Packaging Requirements to Retail Food Products

If you’re a packaged food manufacturer, you must have hopes to enter the retail market, so you must follow their packaging requirements.

Retail products are a much different playing ground as there are more competitor brands that have perfected their packaging.

It can be somewhat complicated, but with the help of these tips, you’ll surely cover the basics easily.

Retail Food Products in Malaysia

Food & grocery is the largest sector in the Malaysian retail industry, accounting for 51.2% of total retail sales, and is projected to grow the fastest at 10.1% CAGR during 2017-2022.

As such, getting your food product in retail is a lucrative marketing strategy no matter your product.

Benefits of Selling Your Food Products in Retail

When you are expanding your operations, it is difficult to reach a larger customer base.

Selling in retail stores helps grow your business in an efficient way and conserves your resources.

Other benefits of selling in retail stores are as follows:

  • Expand your reach
  • Reduce stock-holding costs
  • Save distribution costs
  • Better access to new customers
  • Retailer is responsible for selling your product
  • Work with retailer for marketing campaigns

Packaging Requirements to Retail Food Products

Food Product Packaging Requirements for Retail

Retail stores are known to carry countless brands and products so the least you can do is follow the packaging requirements to stay competitive.

By selling your product in retail stores, there may be sudden inspections called Ops Label.

To be safe from hefty fines, follow these tips on how you should package and label your product for retail purposes.


If you manufacture your product in Malaysia, it is compulsory that your label content is in Bahasa Malaysia.

This applies to all compulsory content. Additional languages are optional depending on your target market.

Brand Name

Since there are many brands in retail stores selling similar products to yours, you should clearly display your brand.

As such, it is advised that you finalize your branding first. Customers can easily find your product among others.

Product Name

There should be an accurate description of your product (for example: frozen steamed salted egg buns).

This helps customers know exactly what your product is without having them guess or look for further information.

Packaging Requirements to Retail Food Products

Net Weight

Every product in retail should display the accurate net weight of the product which you can show as weight, volume, and the number of items in the package.

This is so customers can compare prices between other brands to help them decide on their purchase.

Nutrient Claims

Some products use nutrient claims (for example: high in Vitamin C) on their packaging to further convince buyers.

However, you must follow the requirements of Malaysian Regulations before you are allowed to use them.

Nutrition Information Panel (NIP)

Nutrition information is a compulsory label content for food products around the world for the sake of consumers.

You will need the services of a certified laboratory to analyze the nutrient content of your food product – which we can provide for you.

Product Ingredients

List down each ingredient in your product by descending weight and state the percentage for essential ingredients.

This is compulsory you do right since it helps consumers make informed decisions if they have certain allergies or preferences.

Manufacturer Details

Another mandatory label content is the manufacturer details – the name and address of the manufacturer.

Not only will buyers trust your brand more, it also lets customers know the origin of your product.

Packaging Requirements to Retail Food Products


Although a barcode is not compulsory under the labeling rules, it is a packaging requirement for retail stores, especially large ones.

It is so the retail store and you can track your inventory by convenient batches and for scanning purposes when customers buy your product.

Follow Packaging Requirements to

Safely Retail Your Product

Congratulations on reaching the capacity to retail your product!

All you need to do now is to make sure your packaging and labeling meet the retail packaging requirements.

Don’t worry, Foodipedia is the best food business partner to help you through it all!

We provide compliant labeling solutions and packaging design so your food business soars higher.

Want to work on a project with us? Get in touch for more information!

Next read: Why You Should Redesign Your Food Packaging


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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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