
Gut-some Awesome Kombucha

Brewing your mind away with kombucha

In recent years, kombucha drinks gradually made their mark in Malaysia.

Quite frankly, the unique flavors of kombucha perfectly matched Malaysians’ exotic tastebuds.

Powwow Marketing quickly realized the potential of this healthy drink and decided to brew their own delicious concoction.

Although fairly new, the team was clever to strategize their flavors to catch the hearts of locals.

Soon enough, their efforts of brewing a total of 5 amazing flavors showed promise and they bloomed instantly in the market.

Making first impressions count

Powwow Marketing first sold Gutyourcha in local areas around Puchong since Kombucha has particular storage conditions. Not long after, people outside the vicinity had a taste and desperately craved more!

It also helped that they started collaborating with different vendors and selling Gutyourcha in convenience stores in town. This drastically brought in new customers and a large number of them instantly became regulars.

Because of the growing numbers, they decided it was time to upgrade their packaging and brand image. The team hired us to professionally design a label that perfectly complemented their colorful and refreshing flavors.


The smart step to stay winning

Powwow Marketing was confident that its brand would grow leaps and bounds. To make sure nothing bit their back in the near future, we had to help them do it right the first time.

So, we took it upon ourselves to not only design an incredible design for their 5 fantastic flavors but also made sure the labels were compliant with the Malaysian Food Regulations.

Our team of food label advisors took the time to carefully review all their product details and worked together to find the best way to market their products according to the set rules.

Once everything was in order and the Powwow Marketing was happy, the kombucha label design was ready to go!

Nutrition lab test for nutrient content information

It is known that almost every product label must have a nutrition facts label, including kombucha drinks.

We worked closely with our certified nutrition analysis lab in Malaysia from sample collection to getting the confirmed analysis report.

Everything went smoothly and quickly while we gave frequent updates to the Powwow Marketing team on their Gutyourcha sample analysis.

A nutrient information panel (NIP) informs health-conscious consumers know the exact nutrient content.  But it also serves as a reference for Powwow Marketing to improve their recipe in the future.

Future Plans for Powwow Marketing

Maintaining quality and growing their network

There aren’t many kombucha drinks in the Malaysian market but it is slowly increasing. It was a smart move by Powwow Marketing to hire us for their labeling project to keep risks at a minimum.

Now, with the new and improved creative label design, their team has gained more business deals with other up-and-coming businesses to further market their brand.

It is safe to say that Powwow Marketing’s Gutyourcha drinks will definitely be in more stores and even restaurants in the near future. Goodluck Gutyourcha!

For more information or to order online, head over to Gutyourcha online marketplace.


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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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