Everyone needs a helping hand especially in a mass production business where being a lone wolf can only get you so far. However, you’re not bothered to take so much time to research on cost-efficient resources for your production.

The bottom line for you is that it’s cheap and doesn’t critically affect your profit margin. You’re a master at your own product, but you need the best resources to manufacture it.

What are the ways to prepare for food mass production?

Food Safe Packaging Supplier

Obviously, you know what you’re selling. But are you sure your supplies and facilities are the best you can get? Searching for the most cost-efficient resources yourself can be a hassle, especially when you’re tempted by the countless cheap options online.

Food packaging should be able to keep the contents fresh and safe for consumers through a period of time. There is no one-fits-all solution when it comes to packaging food because a lot of factors must be taken into consideration.

So you need the right type of packaging that can withstand certain temperatures, manhandling and transportation. For example, frozen food and perishables need packaging that can help contain their freshness.

Why go through the trouble of trial and error to find wholesale suppliers of packaging material when you can refer to a trusted food business expert instead? You will certainly minimize costs through cost-worthy packaging.

Types of food packaging  :

  • Glass containers
  • Vacuum packaging
  • Tetra pak containers
  • Plastic packaging
  • Tin / Can packaging
  • Cardboard packaging
  • Ice cream packaging
  • Metal packaging
  • Laminated packaging
  • Juice packaging

OEM Food Manufacturer for Mass Production

 An essential element of your product is the ingredients. It is the fine line that differentiates your product from other brands. So you need the best resources that focus on quality while facing little to no problems in quantity supply. 

For example, you’re selling coffee biscuits dipped in chocolate. You initially resourced from local suppliers but they regularly face supply problems. To eradicate this, you need an OEM manufacturer of biscuits, coffee grounds and chocolate. 

An OEM manufacturer for your ingredients can meet your monthly production needs. This can give you a clearer picture of your daily operations. So you’re able to manage your production efficiently and strategically.

Food Processing Equipment Supplier

 Sooner or later, your food business will reach thousands of customers across borders. But, your facilities and equipment don’t meet the requirements for large-scale production. 

So you need to be prepared for mass production to cater to your ever-growing demand. Reduce the labour and increase efficiency by getting the right equipment to do menial tasks in a blink of an eye with 5x productivity. 

Consider this scenario: A makcik has realized her pre-packaged cooking paste has a rising demand across Malaysia. However, the cooking, filling and packaging are done with the help of neighbours who can only do so much in a day. 

What she will need is a labelling machine, a packaging machine to fill and seal, and a box label applicator for her standee pouch. Now she can manage her production better to reach even bigger demands!

More information on food labelling: Food Labelling and Packaging in Malaysia

Types of food packaging machines :

  • Food vacuum packaging machine
  • Biscuit packaging machine
  • Bundling food packaging equipment
  • Bagging machine
  • Closing machine
  • Capping machine
  • Accumulation machinery


    Looking for a solution to grow your food business?

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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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