Food labelling is important in any country, including Malaysia.
If you’re a food product manufacturer, your packaging should have a correctly made label.
But what is a correct label? Well, you must follow the labeling rules set by the Malaysian Regulations.
With a correct and compliant label, you’ll definitely be rewarded with many benefits.
Importance of a Correct Food Product Label
As a food business, you’re mostly focused on growing your sales and marketing.
But did you know your product label can also help your sales soar?
Besides a creative design to attract customers, here are some other benefits of a well-designed food label.
Customers are Well-Informed
Every label should have an accurate product name, ingredients, nutrition facts, expiry date, and other compulsory content.
Vague or misleading details may confuse customers, or even worse, cause fatal allergy reactions
Accurate product information helps customers make informed decisions on their purchase and trust your brand.
Sell Safely Anywhere
By following the Malaysian Regulations, your label will be safe to sell in Malaysia whether online, in your own shop, or in retail stores.
A correct and compliant label ensures you are safe from authorities suddenly running an Ops Label.
When you can safely sell your product, you don’t have to worry about fines or constantly redesigning your packaging.
Protect Your Brand & Business
One of the most important rules to follow is the declaration of any presence of pork, beef, or alcohol.
Malaysia is a multireligious country and some of them prohibits the consumption of these products.
So, by clearly declaring this, customers are aware of the ingredients which will protect your business.
Stand Apart from Competitors
There are many home-based food sellers in Malaysia who may sell the same product as you.
However, they may not have the time to think about compliant labelling, so this is the opportunity for you to stand apart from them.
This is a great low-cost and low-risk marketing strategy where you will definitely have a competitive edge.
There are a lot of local snack brands which makes it difficult to stand out. By following regulations, Xin Foodies can safely sell their wide selection of snacks with compliant labelling.
Food Labelling is Important for Every Food Product
Your food product packaging should look attractive but comply with the rules as well.
Now you know the benefits of a correct food label, you should consider compliant labelling.
Not sure how? Consult a professional food packaging designer like us to help you with compliant labeling solutions and packaging design.
Want to work on a project with us? Get in touch for more information!
Next read: How to Promote Food Products with Nutrition Labelling
This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.