
Generally, one of the tactics used to aid customers in adopting healthy dietary behaviors is to provide nutrition facts on food labels.

Nevertheless, it is critical to ensure that the data provided is correct and truthful.

Thus, in 2003, the MOH Malaysia modified the Food Regulations 1985 in efforts for more effective nutrition labeling on food products.

They were created to allow manufacturers to accurately and informatively represent the nutritional properties of a food product.

Therefore, customers are able to make better and informed food choices when planning their daily diets.

What is Nutrition Labeling?

A nutrition label or nutrient declaration is a description of the nutrient content of a food product. The nutrients are listed in a table called the Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) at a section of the food label.

Basically, it can help consumers make better food choices and serve as a reminder to think about the nutritional value of a food.

Also, a nutrition facts label provides more information in addition to other details such as ingredients, storage conditions, usage instructions, and expiration date.

Read Food Packaging and Labeling in Malaysia for more information.

How do you Read a Nutrition Label?

Because there are so many brands to choose from, finding the ideal foods to satisfy your nutritional needs can be tough at times.

So here’s a hint to help you make sense of it all – take a look at the Nutritional Information Panel (NIP) on the food packaging.

What is Nutrition Information Panel (NIP)?

Basically, the Nutritional Information Panel (NIP) is a table that lists the quantity of energy and nutrients in a food item. If you know where to search, you’ll find enough information to assist you in making the best food choices.

You have a food product already, so now the next step is to think about the packaging. Besides hiring an expert food packaging designer in Malaysia, you’ll need a consultation on the nutrition information too.

We recommend getting your food nutrition information from Foodipedia with all-inclusive Food Labeling and Packaging services.


Steps to Get Nutrition Facts Certified in Malaysia

First of all, decide whether you will need a basic or specific laboratory test for your food product. It is important to note that add-on lab tests for additional nutrients will have extra charges.

Then, prepare the relevant documents needed to process your application. Foodipedia can send you an official laboratory test application form for you to fill in.

After that, send the form along with your SSM Company Registration Certificate and a sample of your food product (at least 200g).

Usually, you will receive the laboratory test results within 14 working days. What’s more, is that you can get your laboratory test results by email so you don’t have to get it yourself.

Once you received the lab test results, you can now paste the nutrient information on your food packaging confidently.

Do I Need Nutrition Facts on My Product?

In Malaysia, not all food products require nutrition facts. So if you’re wondering if you need a nutrition label, here is a list of compulsory foods that require a NIP.

Type of Bread (9)

  • Bread
  • White bread
  • Fruit bread
  • Milk bread
  • Meal bread
  • Rye bread
  • Wheat-gem bread
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Enriched bread

Type of Drink (7)

  • Soft drink base
  • Soft drink premix
  • Botanical beverage mix
  • Soya bean milk
  • Soya bean drink
  • Isotonic electrolyte drink
  • Isotonic electrolyte drink base

Type of Syrup (3)

  • Syrup
  • Flavored syrup
  • Flavored cordial

Type of Canned food (5)

  • Canned meat
  • Canned meat with other food
  • Canned fish
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit

Type of Fruit liquids (12)

  • Fruit juice
  • Apple juice
  • Grapefruit juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Orange juice
  • Passion fruit juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Fruit syrup
  • Fruit Cordial
  • Fruit squash
  • Fruit juice drink
  • Fruit drink

Type of Milk (23)

  • Skimmed milk / powder
  • Non-fat milk
  • Separated milk
  • Pasteurized milk
  • Sterilized milk
  • UHT milk
  • Flavored milk
  • Full cream milk (powder / dried)
  • Dried non-fat milk solids
  • Separated milk powder
  • Malted milk powder
  • Formulated milk powder for children
  • Recombined milk
  • Evaporated milk
  • Unsweetened condensed milk
  • Condensed or sweetened condensed milk
  • Lactose hydrolyzed milk
  • Filled milk or filled milk powder
  • Evaporated filled milk
  • Unsweetened condensed filled milk
  • Condensed or sweetened condensed filled milk
  • Cultured milk
  • Fermented milk

On the other hand, here are some examples of foods that don’t need a NIP.

Fresh fruits and vegetables
Raw meat and poultry (except ground), raw fish and seafood
Food prepared or processed in-store (baked goods, salads, etc)
Foods with very few nutrients (coffee, tea, herbs, spices, etc.)

Where Can I Get Nutrition Facts Labels?

Now you know that a nutrition facts label informs the consumer about the amount of energy and other nutrients in the product they are considering purchasing.

In the end, we suggest you consult a food business expert for more information. We not only design nutritional labels, but we also help food businesses with our complete services.

Need food labeling help? Grab our bundle package at a slashed price! You will get nutrition facts, product details, a barcode, product marketing, a label template plus a FREE eBook.



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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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