The Ministry of Health in Malaysia has revised the Food Regulations which will be implemented on January 1, 2024 (originally July 22, 2022).

If you’re a food manufacturer, you’ll need to pay close attention to the regulation amendments.

Here are some of the new general labeling claims concerning packaged label printing.

Reg 11: Particulars in Labeling

Regulation 11 relates to the particulars in labeling whereby every packaged food intended for sale should have these particulars.

Appropriate Designation

The old regulations mention you should only state the description of the food with the common name of its main ingredient.

The new regulation amendment adds to that wherein if there’s no common name for its main ingredient, you should display an appropriate descriptive term of the food which doesn’t mislead consumers.


Nature of Food

In relation to the appropriate designation, you must also state the true nature and physical condition of your food product.

Examples of forms of food are powder, cordial, paste, crackers, etc.


Quantitative Ingredient Declaration or QUID is the percentage of weight/volume of the relevant ingredient.

You must state the QUID of an ingredient if:

  • the ingredient is emphasized in words, pictures, or graphics.
  • the ingredient is not in the product name but is essential to characterize the food.

On the other hand, QUID is not required if:

  • there is a nutrition claim along with its amount in the nutrition facts panel.
  • the drained weight statement is required by the Regulations.
  • the ingredient is used in small amounts as flavoring only.

INS Numbering

Most food manufacturers will surely have certain additives to make their food products.

Based on the new regulation amendment, you should declare the functional class of the additive with its INS number or chemical name.


Country of Origin

Along with the company name and address, if the product is made in other countries than Malaysia, you need to state the country of origin.


Nutrition Information Panel (NIP)

Food manufacturers are aware of the NIP requirement for almost all food products.

Now, the Regulations require every nutrition facts panel to have additional nutrients which are sodium and total sugars.

Also, there are also newly added food categories including sweetened creamer, edible fat/oil, soup, soup stock, and more.

Protect Your Product With Updated Regulations

Food manufacturers should be aware and take immediate action to protect their products on shelves.

These are only some of the regulation amendments that may affect your current label information.

If you need help with updated food packaging and labeling, we are here to help with compliant labeling solutions and packaging design.

Want to work on a project with us? Get in touch for more information!


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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding food business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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